Fauna Cartoon

Fauna Cartoon faunacartoon.com is a series of comics about animals and nature created by Greg Bishop. The site takes advantage have several 'cutting edge' HTML 5+/Rolling Spec features including

Web Components via Polymer

This site is primarily built with Polymer and created almost entirely of webcomponents. I personally use webcomponents as custom elements with additional sugaring from Polymer. By this I mean I use the elements to break the application into logical chunks. Some of these chunks can be thought of as encapsulated components but I dislike the loss of salt to taste CSS libraries like Bootstrap, Animate CSS and Font Awesome which comes when you include Shadow DOM. There are workarounds to global CSS and Shadow DOM, but none that I find satisfactory at this time.

Service Workers via UpUp

While still in the early stages, I thought it would be fun to play around with service workers to create a simple offline splash screen for the app. UpUp provides a nice layer on top of service workers and allows browsers that support them (Chrome) to have a customized offline screen.

Webapp Manifest

This is used by Safari on iOS and Chrome on Android to allow to describe your application. This, combined with HTTPS and a Service Work will have Chrome prompt to install the webapp in the latest versions for chrome for android.

Other Shout-outs
